Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pippi Longstocking Update...

Pippi Longstocking
By: Astrid Lindgren
We hope you've enjoyed week #1 in our Pippi Longstocking month! We would love to hear your feedback about this delightful series. Here is what we thought of the first book!

This book was really really good! I was laughing out loud at all of Pippi's crazy antics. This would be a really fun read out loud story for a wide range of ages. I would say anywhere from age 6-12 would enjoy it.
I think my favorite parts were when Pippi went to school and when the burglars try to rob her house. It is also hilarious when Pippi goes to the 'surkus'.

Pippi has been one of those characters that has stayed with me for as long as I can remember. What's not to love about a little girl who cleans her floors on brush skates?! Or fends off burglars by outwitting them, only to give them something in the end?! And who cannot love a girl who puts an end to bullying by throwing the bullies into a tree?! She's a girl after my own heart.

Pippi is the character you love to re-read and visit. Of course, every time you do, it's like you never left!

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